COMPETITION concentrates on the elementary of a sports drink - Optimal fluid replacement at maximum energy density! This is made possible by the extraordinarily low osmolarity at the same time significantly higher carbohydrate content compared to usual sports drinks.
The 8 different carbohydrates enable the body to absorb via different transport systems. Thus, the body can draw a significantly higher energy content from the supplied carbohydrates and spare the body's own glycogen reserves.
The combination of different types of sugar also helps for a slower and longer-lasting energy supply and also improves energy utilization by 20-50% compared to a single type of sugar.
- Practically pH-neutral competition drink, because without acidifiers and only with discreet aroma
- High molecular weight starch hydrolisates with very low osmolarity
- Isomaltulose (glucose + fructose) and trehalose (glucose + glucose) provide a much slower blood sugar and insulin rise compared to other sugars
- Up to 100 g powder per 1000 ml and still hypotonic (240 mOsm).
Sports drink for the highest energy needs and compatibility requirements. Also suitable for carboloading. Up to 100 g / liter, the drink is hypton (240 mOsm),
at very high energy needs, the concentration can be increased to a maximum of 120 g / liter (isotonic).