Description Protein Müesli 390g Layenberger
Layenberger Chocolate-Banana Muesli is an absolute star among mueslis. 50% total protein - you won't find that in any other cereal product. What's more, we've reduced the carbohydrate content by 70% compared with other chocolate mueslis. Our High Protein muesli derives its protein quality from the three components of milk, whey and soya, giving it a high biological value and a broad spectrum of amino acids with all the essential amino acids (EAA).
We have paid particular attention to the variety and quality of the individual components. Even after adding milk, yoghurt, fromage frais or fruit juice, Layenberger Chocolate-Hazelnut hyperprotein muesli retains a lasting crunch. Milk protein chocolate crisps, chocolate crunchies, protein-enriched chocolate flakes, soy protein crunchies, roasted almond flakes, roasted hazelnut pieces as well as walnut and cashew pieces provide the perfect muesli treat.
Layenberger high-protein mueslis are the perfect high-quality protein breakfast for athletes and anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle. In addition to breakfast, you can also use our delicious mueslis as a pastry ingredient and to refine ice cream or pudding. Full of flavour. Lots of protein. Very low carbohydrate content. Simply typical Layenberger.