Description Endurance Malto Dextrin 800g Life Pro
Maltodextrin is one of the most widely used carbohydrates in the field of sports, thanks to its properties. In endurance sports, it's essential to maintain performance and energy, and to try to stave off fatigue as much as possible.
Life Pro's maltodextrin provides a fast source of energy, both after and during training. Thanks to its rapid absorption, it doesn't feel heavy.
It does not cause difficult digestion and thus helps maintain performance and glycogen reserves. Recommended for cyclists, runners, marathon runners, triathletes, etc. Where energy expenditure is very high, and exercise duration is also very long.
Maltodextrin is obtained by a process called starch hydrolysis. This process divides the chains that make up the original molecular structure to obtain a new one with different, more divided and segmented molecular structures.
Malto Dextrin is part of Life Pro's new range of Endurance supplements. This range of sports supplements has been specially designed for endurance sports. It is recommended for all those who are looking for an optimal supply of nutrients to their body during long training sessions to promote recovery, maintain energy and improve performance.