Description Glutamine 500g Life Pro | Cola
L-glutamine provides various functions that are crucial for health and more when you're doing sport.
Among its main functions, L-glutamine helps control muscle fatigue by reducing the quantity of acids present in the muscles, such as lactic acid, which is involved in muscle soreness.
This amino acid is of great importance as it is also responsible for protein synthesis; another of L-glutamine's functions is to prevent the breakdown of muscle mass.
L-glutamine is a non-essential amino acid. It's one of the 20 amino acids that, along with the rest, make up proteins. These can be synthesized in the body from other amino acids such as valine, isoleucine or glutamic acid. However, L-glutamine is considered a "conditioned essential amino acid" or semi-essential because, under certain conditions such as physical or psychological stress, trauma, infection, intense training, etc., the quantity required for its consumption is greater than our capacity to synthesize it: the body needs glutamine so much that it is unable to produce it in sufficient quantities.
Life Pro Glutamine 500 G. is the perfect supplement for all athletes who are looking for muscle attention, as it will provide them with proper muscle recovery and development.