L-arginine is a building block for creatine synthesis and creatine is considered in sports as a performance-enhancing substance that increases fast power. L-arginine also plays a key role in protein metabolism (urea cycle) by eliminating the end products of metabolism and fatigue substances through the kidneys in the form of urea. But it can also recycle degraded proteins, i.e. it recomposes new protein elements in the liver.
Body Attack ARGININE ZERO is a highly dosed and 100% pure L-arginine, which is not bound to other compounds, such as hydrochloride (HCL). ARGININE ZERO is thus one of the most powerful and highly dosed forms of L-arginine available on the market. The purest form of L-arginine does not provide acidifying compounds and can therefore be better absorbed by the body. The addition of vitamin B6 supports protein metabolism and helps reduce fatigue during training.
ARGININE ZERO is the ideal companion for intense and tiring training phases.