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8 WEAPONS Muay Thai Shorts - Cut like a blade black 2.0 M

1 Piece, Schwarz, 8 Weapons
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10 days
Price in points: 3950 points
Reward points: 79 points
Only 1 left in stock
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Cut Like A Blade 2.0 - these 8 Weapons Muay Thai pants are the rebirth of one of the most successful 8 WEAPONS shorts. In addition to the large front print, the new edition has a colored BIG 8 patch on the pant legs and a woven lining.
The8 WEAPONS Cut Like A Blade Shorts, like all our 8 Weapons Fight Shorts, are handmade in Thailand and will serve you well in all training situations.
High-cut slits ensure ultimate freedom of movement for all kick or knee techniques. The narrow waistband ensures a comfortable fit.

  • High quality printed satin.
  • Soft mesh panels on sides.
  • Very flexible waistband for a stable fit.
  • Widely cut legs for perfect freedom of movement.
  • Double stitching.
  • Patches on front and sides.
  • Wash inside out and at a maximum of 30 degrees.
Age group:
Clothing type:
Colour group:
Exact material designation:
  • For Women
  • For Men
Scope of delivery:
1 Piece
Special sizes:
Normal size
  • Boxe
  • Thai Boxe
  • Kickboxing
  • Muay Thai
8 Weapons

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