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Grappling Glove Rex Yellow T6 Plus-L

1 Paire, Yellow, RDX
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Price in points: 3965 points
Reward points: 79 points
Only 1 left in stock
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Swedish Association approved professional MMA gloves. The Swedish Mixed Martial Arts Federation is the national governing body for MMA in Sweden. Harness the power in these Maya Hide leathered MMA grappling gloves, engineered to provide lightweight comfort, protection and control for every fight. Hand crafted to stubbornly resist wear and tear, these MMA training gloves will last an age and boast triple layered shock resistance, awesome grip and breathability, plus a unique palm design to ensure first class punching technique. By correctly aligning wrist with fist for every punch, these powerful gloves will protect your hands from injury. The ultimate armour. A premium choice of MMA gloves for mixed martial arts warriors in training. (SMALL & MEDIUM SIZES RECOMMENDED FOR UP TO 14 YEARS OF AGE).FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA GRAPPLING MIXED MARTIAL ARTS (FIGMMA) Approved

  • Made from durable Maya Hide™ leather for comfort and lasting performance
  • GEL EFFICAX LINING™ for the ultimate padding and protection in battle
  • Shock absorbent Shell Shock™ gel Equilibrium Sheet helps you withstand serious shock-impact
  • Palm-O™ Open Palm Design for perfect grip and ventilation
  • Quick-EZ™ Hook-and-loop for a snug fit and the best wrist protection
Age group:
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Exact material designation:
  • For Women
  • For Men
Material group:
Imitation leather
Scope of delivery:
1 Paire
  • MMA

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